Figure 1: Typical XSL DR3 spectra in the OBAFGKMC sequence. Shaded bands mask the regions of dichroic contamination and deepest telluric regions.
Figure 2: Examples of XSL simple stellar population models.
Figure 1: Distribution of the spectral types present in XSL, as retrieved from SIMBAD. We highlight the number of stars known as long period variable (LPV) objects in purple. The stars in the ‘LPV’ bin have no given spectral type but have object types labelling them as LPV objects. The stars in the blue bin ‘other’ do not have spectral types in SIMBAD, nor have object types which label them as LPV objects.
Figure 2: Stellar atmospheric parameters, calculated by Arentsen et al. (2019) (open symbols) and Gonneau et al. (2017) (star symbols), for 769 XSL spectra.
Figure 1: Distribution of the spectral types in XSL observed in Periods 84 and 85 (excluding telluric calibrators). Spectral types were retrieved from SIMBAD or based on educated guesses from the source libraries or atmospheric parameters.
Figure 2: HR diagram of the 219 XSL stars (O–M, LPV, S) with calculated Teff, logg, and [Fe/H], where [Fe/H] is presented in different colors.